The Lancaster Road Runners Club has been in existence since 1977 when a few motivated local runners thought it important to organize a club catering to the needs of runners in the area. As everyone knows, there has been a boom in running throughout the United States and especially in the Lancaster area. Our club would like to continue to attract new members, of whatever ability, and we cordially invite YOU to join us.
The LRRC is a local organization, located in Lancaster, PA, USA & affiliated with the Road Runners Club of America. Our club has never been, nor will be, elitist. We are NOT an organization strictly for professional running "fanatics" or "elitists". We support running by people of all ages and levels of motivation. Our club is a group of people who appreciate the running and walking experience and whose collective abilities range from the around-the-block joggers to serious long-distance competitors. Our main objective is to promote good health and physical fitness derived from running. We support fundraising events and races which benefit local and national charities.
Membership Application
Membership dues are $20/year per household.
Printable Membership Application (PDF)
Please mail check & copy of the above application form to:
Lancaster Road Runners Club
P.O. Box 7172
Lancaster PA 17604
Or Apply online and pay after
Pay Dues Online
If you are an existing member, you can pay your dues online via the button below.
No need to resubmit an application unless you are changing your information.
Not ready to join? Try us out first...
Check our Schedule and come run with us!
or contact our treasurer, Olek, with any questions at 717-799-4364.
Membership Benefits
- Discount on running shoes and apparel at "The Inside Track", Lancaster (official shoe store of Lancaster Road Runners Club)
- Enrolled as member of the "Road Runners Club of America" which provides a quarterly newsletter and insurance
- Bi-Monthly newsletters link the membership together by providing running tips and information, race reports, upcoming event calendar, meeting topics, presidents column, etc. View past newsletters here.
- Fun Runs are held weekly at a variety of locations in the area on Tuesday evenings at 6:30. Trail night is Thursday night at 6:30 PM. Club members can also be found on most Sunday mornings at Lancaster County Central Park at 7:30 AM for trail fun runs. These are not races, but rather an opportunity for anyone, regardless of ability, to share in the comradeship of running. Fun Runs are intended to provide a change from your normal running routine.
- Social events, such as awards dinners and picnics are held annually. These events allow members, their friends and families, to get together and share experiences of mutual interest.